Category: Cyber Security

Start or Move Your Business To The U.S

Top 10 Secure Computing Tips

“Top 10” List of Secure Computing Tips Tip #1 – You are a target to hackers Don’t ever say, “It won’t happen to me.” We are all at risk and the stakes are high – both for your personal and financial well-being  and for the university’s standing and reputation.  Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. By following…
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How to Protect Yourself, Your Employees and Your Clients/Customers From New Cybersecurity Risks as More Employees Work From Home

Data breaches are costly, not only in terms of potential out-of-pocket costs for employers, but also in terms of the potential damage to their reputations and brands. IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report, released in 2020, estimated the average global cost of a data breach at about $3.86M. When consumers’ personally protected information (PII)…
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